You don’t need to navigate digital transformation alone,
our services simplify the process and tackle the toughest challenges for you
You don’t need to navigate digital transformation alone—our services simplify the process and tackle the toughest challenges for you
See Our Services





Our full-spectrum digital transformation services are tailored to your needs, we are as invested in your success as you are

We deliver Holistic Approach

Focusing on People, Processes & Technology

These impact numbers show how our careful processes consistently lead to the real results


Corporate Training


Client Partners



Our Case Study

BINAR builds your team’s capability for sustainable growth, even after we step away.

Experience the power of digital transformation with BINAR, trusted by numerous satisfied clients

Pencapaian bank Mandiri dipengaruhi dengan jajaran saya yang secara aktif dapat mengimplementasikan strategi transformasi digital, sehingga salah satu upaya adalah memperkerjakan talenta digital.

Yenni Alemina
Dean of Digital Banking and IT Academy, Bank Mandiri

I am delighted to have such a durable strategic partnership with Binar to generate a comprehensive bootcamp program to prepare students from various backgrounds to become professional programmers.

Program Associate - Glints

SYNRGY Academy and Binar Academy have developed a great partnership in our initiative to support Indonesia’s digital economy by creating world class IT Talents. Binar Academy is full of bright and talented people!

Adi Prasetyo
Senior Vice President - Bank Central Asia

Binar adalah wadah yang tepat untuk improve digital skill bagi perusahaan yang sedang bertransformasi, ekosistem pembelajarannya dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan dilengkapi dengan service yang cekatan, tepat dan fleksibel.

Aditya Darma Priatna
Project Manager Program Telkom Athon - Telkom Indonesia

Kami mendapatkan knowledge yang luar biasa dalam mengembangkan produk digital, mulai dari design thinking hingga melakukan eksekusi yang terukur.

P. Lukito Effendi
Priority Account Executive - PT PLN (Persero)
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Successful Digital Transformation is
Beyond Technology

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Frequently Ask About Our Services

BINAR adalah perusahaan B2B yang membantu transformasi digital perusahaan agar lebih efisien dan kompetitif. Kami menyediakan solusi teknologi seperti software development, CTO/CPO as a service, data management, layanan outsourcing dan headhunting, serta workshop internal upskilling untuk meningkatkan keterampilan karyawan di bidang digital.

BINAR akan mengkaji kebutuhan perusahaan melalui analisis mendalam berfokus pada people, process, and tools untuk mencapai hasil yang sesuai dan berkelanjutan.

Click link below to request contact from us.

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BINAR Contribution to SDG’s Impact
Promenade 20, Unit L, Jl. Bangka Raya No.20,

Kec. Mampang Prapatan,
Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12720
021 397 11642
Promenade 20, Unit L, Jl. Bangka Raya No.20,

Kec. Mampang Prapatan,
Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12720
021 397 11642
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