Tech Consulting
Strengthen strategy with BINAR and empower teams for sustainable growth.
Capacity Building
A variety of training programs & certification that can be immediately applied for real impact.
Mini Master of Digital Business Administration
Digital leadership and strategy program for executives in collaboration with LM FEB University of Indonesia
Tech Talent Solutions
Efficient modern process to recruit the best IT candidates.
| Find more about certification here
Open Certification Page
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Digital Insights
Find out more about us and how we share every second of our contribution to this digitalization.
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Digital Insight
Digital Insight
About Us
Tech Consulting
Strengthen strategy with BINAR and empower teams for sustainable growth.
Capacity Building
A variety of training programs & certification that can be immediately applied for real impact.
Mini Master of Digital Business Administration
Digital leadership and strategy program for executives in collaboration with LM FEB University of Indonesia
Tech Talent Solutions
Efficient modern process to recruit the best IT candidates.
Find more about certification here
Open Certification Page
We group each of our partner's success stories into each type of company that has worked with us.
Find out more about us and how we share every second of our contribution to this digitalization.
Let us know what your needs, and we’ll make it happen.
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Hard Skill vs Soft Skill: Pengertian, Perbedaan, dan Contohnya
Mari mengenal hard skill vs soft skill yang mana akan dibutuhkan sekali dalam perjalanan kesuksesan karier anda.
5 Rekomendasi Buku UX Writing untuk Menjadi UX Writer
Ingin berkecimpung di ranah UX Writer? Ini lima rekomendasi buku UX writing yang bisa membantu kamu untuk menjadi UX Writer yang handal!
Soft Skill Training: Manfaat dan Cara Mengasahnya untuk Bekerja di Ranah Digital
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Film-film Insightful buat Belajar UI/UX Design
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Visualisasi Data: Pengertian, Tipe Penyajian, dan Langkah Pembuatannya
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Mengenali Etos Kerja dan Kiat-Kiat Meningkatkannya!
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Cara Membuat Portofolio untuk Melamar Kerja
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#Bootcamp101: Serba Serbi Binar Bootcamp
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Apa Itu Transformasi Digital dan Peranannya Bagi Bisnis
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Artikel yang kamu cari tidak ada nih,
Yuk coba cari artikel lain yang kamu minati.
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